Greetings, Welcome to Wreath On My Door

This is where my heart sings songs of love and thanksgiving


Wreath on My Door, Love Has Always Lived Here

The door to my heart and home is always open, Please, come on in. Let’s talk. I have tons to share about a variety of things.

First, my name is Cyndi. I live in the suburbs of Philly and love it. I’ve lived here with my family for 18 years now and enjoy the beauty of my surroundings. It’s quiet and all is calm.

I once worked in corporate America and after 15 years of the horrific working conditions I vowed to never work for anyone else ever again. I thought to myself I am too talented, way too skilled and beyond gifted to let someone limit and keep me from using my God-given gifts. For me, walking away from that daily grind and sabotage was the best decision ever. I feel I am happy and free. No more bondage for me. Working a 9-5, almost 365 days a year job, was not for me in any capacity. I thought to myself why work to make someone else rich when I can work at home for myself without any stress whatsoever. I am proud to be my own boss.

My Journey from Corporate America to Living the Life of Being An Entrepreneur


After leaving corporate America, I had to figure out what I wanted to do. Searching and searching for typing jobs which was all I ever really knew, I started Magic Fingers Typing Service. That baby was short lived because I became so bored that I had to find a way to use my creativity and I did! I taught my graphic design and I immediately fell in love and now I am a self taught graphic artist. Along with being a graphic designer, I am also a published author.

Besides these two things, I am the owner of a beauty brand, Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxurious Body Butter.  Beauty and the Face is a beauty brand that creates and designs all natural handmade skincare products. One of the things that I love about designing skincare products is how my customers love how their skin looks when they apply my wonderful moisturizers to their skin. That alone brings me mountains of joy because these amazing moisturizers come from nature and I love mixing all natural recipes for those who are looking for healthier alternatives to store bought chemical laden lotions.

Interior Design Skills That Helped Me to Design My Home


Another thing that I absolutely love is decorating my home, cleaning my home and keeping it organized. It brings me immense joy to sit in my warm and comfy living room listening to music while writing heartwarming pieces of poetry or just talking to my roommate, my husband.

Music. As the song says, I love music. Yup. That would be me. I love all genres of music. My first love which I was brought up on is rock and roll. Some of my favorite artists are Otis Redding the tall and talented temptations, Smokey and the miracles and of course the Jackson five.

I grew up listening to Motown. I love Motown and that undeniable Motown sound. Looking back through my life I should have worked for Motown writing hit songs because if I would have been writing them, they would have been number 1 hit songs sang by the Temptations, Marvin Gaye and Smokey.

Thankful to be living a life of abundance, I get to do what I love every single day. Enjoying this sensational journey, I am forever grateful.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I sure hope you enjoyed being here. Stop by anytime.












