Fall Projects In My Heart and Home

I Love Me Some Great Fall Projects No Matter How Big or Small

Fall Projects In My HomeHello Creative Ones,

I hope everyone is well. 

Well it’s Saturday and I’m busy as a Betsy Bee. It’s that time of year when I get to work on my fall projects. 

I’m going to be decorating my living room with all of my fall decor that I bought from Home Goods over the past three years. I don’t need to buy another thing but I was tempted when I was in home goods to buy prince a new bed. I was having a field day looking though. Autumn is calling my name! When I saw the wreaths and pillows my heart was aching but I told myself it didn’t make CENTS to buy another thing because my attic is running over with decorations. It’s like Walmart up there!

Ok. My first project for the fall season will be to wash my windows and then walls. Yessss. I wash windows and walls. As I thinking I guess I need to clean my rugs by hand. I will also clean and shine my exposed hardwoods. The other major project that I can cross off my list is purging. That was a major job, but it’s done and it feels amazing to have completed such a major task. 

After all these projects are done I will paint my hallway bathroom. I also have plans to paint the accent wall in my mother’s room but that will be easy. My husband has been installing new doors throughout the house; he just needs to finish it. 

By the time we have completed our projects it will be time to decorate for fall. I’ll share pictures. 

Until next time I hope you’ll share your projects here. 



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