Body Butter, Love for the Skin

Luxurious Body Butter

24 Carat Gold

Home life, holidays and home made recipes


As an entrepreneur I love to create and design anything that can change a person’s life.  Simply put, I love to help others.  I love to make women and children smile and I love to hand make premium body butters to moisturize, replenish and soften the skin.

Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxurious Body Butter was birthed from a need; my need.


Home life, holidays and home made recipes


I have battled with dry skin most of my life and I wanted a body cream that could help to penetrate and soften my skin at the same time, but there was nothing out there.  I had tried too many moisturizers to count.  I decided to create my own moisturizer using all natural butters because I didn’t want to keep buying watered down moisturizers that did nothing for my skin, but make it worse.  I also didn’t like the idea of having chemicals sinking deep into my blood stream.


Home life, holidays and home made recipesHome life, holidays and home made recipes


The Research Begins


The research for making home made body butter began about ten years ago.  First came the name and the rich recipe of all natural resins followed. It was after doing extensive research that beauty and the face body butter came to life.

I did a lot of reading about shea butter and all its’ wonderful benefits.  I had already been using cocoa butter on my face since I was a teenager so I knew the great benefits it could provide.  I thought to myself if I put these two powerful fatty acids together what a great and powerful marriage this would be. I then thought to myself, I need for this marriage to be fruitful and multiply this marriage by adding a family of children.  I then went on then hunt for essential oils that could make this family complete.  Once again I did extensive research and found some of the most amazing and awesome essential oils that would provide my skin and my potential customers’ skin with phenomenal skincare results.

The Essential Oils I Know, Use and Adore, Oh and Use!

Home life, holidays and home made recipes


The essential oils that I use in my body butter recipe start with Sweet Almond Oil, Argan Oil, Coconut and Jojoba Oil, but it doesn’t stop there.  I add about 8 more essential oils that help to hydrate and condition the skin with daily use. My body butter has a smooth, soft and buttery consistency that feels so nice when you apply it to your skin. Not only does it make your skin feel amazing, but it makes your skin glow all day long!


Home life, holidays and home made recipes

When I first started using this 24 carat buttery gold I was in awe as to how it made my skin look and feel.  Not only did it make my skin super soft, but after I showered or bathed, my skin still glows and stays as soft as ever!


Home life, holidays and home made recipes


Beauty and the Face, Love for the Skin, Luxurious Body Butter helps to make my skin vibrant and radiant. It’s the reason I created and designed it because I want my skin to always be gorgeous and beautiful!



Home life, holidays and home made recipes

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