Thankfulness Is The Life I Breathe


For me, being grateful is transformational

Thankfulness Is The Life I Breathe


Thankfulness Is The Life I Breathe.

Living my life for God is an honor. It gives me a sense of peace knowing that He is always in me. He has made my house a home.

I am enjoying an abundant lifestyle and I love it. The road to this state of prosperity has blessed my life tremendously. It wasn’t easy though. There was some bumps in the road all because of fear, but I loosed that fear with God’s help and replaced it faith and confidence. Every time I use my gifts from God I am even more thankful than the day before because His compassion never fails and His mercy endures forever.

Once day when I was just sitting around, the Holy Spirit these I am truths into my heart. I had to pen them to paper.

If you are a grateful being blessed to do what you love, no matter what that is, you should write down all the things that you are thankful for.

Here are just a few of mine. It’s a long list and guess what I am thankful. All praises to the God of my life.

The I Am That Are Impacting and Life Changing.


I am a lovely oil painting, beautiful and outstanding

I live my life with thanksgiving to God for all that HE does and for who He is in my life.

I thank God for His Holy Spirit who lives inside me.

I am thankful that I am able to use my gifts to glorify God.

I am thankful for the prosperity that God gives me.

I am thankful for Jesus who paid my sin-debt in full.

I am thankful for my family and for everything that we have.

I am thankful that Jesus has made my house a home.

I am thankful for the love that surrounds me every day.

I am thankful for God’s principles and promises.

I am thankful for the plan God has created for my life.

I am thankful that I am able to help those in need, whatever that need may be.

I am thankful for my husband and my children and grandchildren.

I am thankful for warmth and comfort God gives me through His love.

I am thankful for my neighbors.

I am thankful for my friends.

I am thankful for my home based business.

I am thankful for the wisdom and knowledge I am blessed with.

I am thankful for my health

I am thankful for every beat of my heart and its rhythm.

I am thankful for my liver and kidneys and all my other organs

I am thankful for the gift of discernment

I am thankful for having an understanding, loving and compassionate heart.

I am thankful for the gift of design.

I am thankful for the gift and art of writing short stories and poetry.

I am thankful for my financial wealth.

I am thankful for God’s protection over my life.

I am thankful that God can see what I cannot see.

I am thankful for God’s unconditional love.

I am thankful for the sun, the moon and the star and the sky

I am thankful for the universe

I am thankful for heaven and earth

I am thankful for my trials and tribulations

I am thankful for all my life lessons – lessons I could not learn by sitting in a classroom

I am thankful for the testimonies I’ve been blessed to share with others to motivate and bless their lives.

I am thankful for God’s word, His unconditional love, His strength, His dominion, His power, His might, His Sovereignty and all that He is.

I am thankful the Old Testament and for the New Testament.

I am thankful for being able to teach and pass on all that I have learned in my lifle.

I am thankful for the people who have come into my life and I am thankful for the people who have …..

I am thankful for the lessons people have taught me.

I am thankful for the Light that shines in my life, Jesus Christ.

Thankfulness is the life I breathe and I am beyond grateful for the life I live.

Wreath on my door is the prosperous path to my heart.


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